Monday, August 17, 2015

Write A Social Responsibility Statement

A social responsibility statement outlines corporate social issues.

Many corporations have social responsibility statements. The statements outline the company's definition of corporate responsibility, and how they partake. Social responsibility for most companies means integrating public interest into the business model by self-regulating and following all legal and ethical guidelines. Social responsibility can also mean being proactive and working to solve community problems and eliminating corporate actions that cause harm or negatively impact the public, even if those actions are legal. A social responsibility statement is written for the public and employees of the company.


1. Meet with employees and management in important positions within the company to discuss what the corporate responsibility statement should include. Many companies have a corporate social responsibility report outlining the activities of the company that can be used for guidance. Outline items to include in the statement.

2. Write the social responsibility statement on company letterhead if available. Follow company style guidelines and use proper grammar and spelling.

3. Submit the social responsibility statement to company leadership, often direct leadership for review. Peer review by department heads and others working on social responsibility at the company is also helpful.

4. Make changes to the document as requested during the review process and post to the company's website and make the document open for review at the company's headquarters. Releasing to stakeholders and media members is also an option.

5. Review the statement and make changes and corrections as company activities evolve and grow.