Monday, August 31, 2015

Advertise Like A Stylist Inside A New Area

The number of clients a stylist receives in a new area is dependent on the publicity he receives, which is a result of his advertising methods. The market has a wide range of marketing methods and opportunities to suit all types of budgets, but most importantly, creativity in stylist's advertisement should leave a lasting impression on potential clients. The methods the stylist chooses are dependent on the area, the competition and the stylist's budget.


1. Identify your target market to help you choose advertisements that will reach out to clients. Find areas where you can reach your target clientele, and advertising methods that appeal to them. Create a profile for your typical customer, which guides you in designing the ad.

2. Write a press release with basic information that appeals more to the public -- as opposed to one that's merely an advertisement -- and submit it to the local media. Enlist the help of a professional if you can't write your own press release.

3. Attend networking and community events such as chamber of commerce meetings or trade fairs and exchange business cards with different people. These events provide an opportunity to network with business people in your area.

4. Offer to write an article for a local newspaper or magazine giving advice as a stylist. Ensure your article appeals to your readers and avoid making it all about your new business.

5. Treat your clients to free services and/or discounts for subsequent visits. Offer group discounts, as clients will invite friends or family along. Give discounts to customers who refer new clients.

6. Print brochures with detailed information about your services, products and discounts. Distribute the brochures by requesting retail stores, supermarkets and restaurants to display them. Drop the brochures in neighborhood mailboxes.

7. Participate in charity projects. For example, accompany people as they visit nursing homes and offer your services free. This will spread the word about the community work you're doing and increase your local name recognition.

8. Place advertisements in the classified section of your local newspaper, on radio or in the yellow pages directory. Design short and precise advertisements that reach out to the public but save on space or airtime.