It's convenient to email your friend the link to an interesting website but sometimes the link you want to send is longer than the text of your message. It is also difficult and frustrating to post extremely long links in blogs and forums. Make your URLs simpler and condense long URL links into small ones.
1. Locate a free online utility that creates small URL links from longer ones. Some available small URL utilities are Tinyurl, Shorl and Snipurl (see Resources below).
2. Choose one of the above websites to create small URL links. Each website works slightly differently but are simple to use. For example, if you choose Tinyurl open your browser and type ""
3. Type in the URL of the link you want to shorten, or copy and paste the link from the original URL location.
4. Click "Make Tiny URL."
5. The new URL links appear on your screen. Copy and paste the small URL links to your clipboard. Right-click under "TinyURL" and choose "Copy link location."