Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Obtain A Celebrity Representative For Any Nonprofit

A celebrity endorsement can bring in donations to your nonprofit.

For many nonprofit organizations, a celebrity endorsement is just the boost they need to gain visibility for their cause and to raise funds. However, obtaining one is not easy. The bigger the celebrity, the harder it is to obtain her services, especially if you are not a nationwide organization. If your nonprofit is small and localized, your best best is to focus on celebrities that are from your region. Either way, obtaining a celebrity spokesperson requires a great deal of patience, persistence and excellent pitching skills.


1. Focus on finding a celebrity who would best match your cause. Research celebrities to find those that may have a personal connection to your cause. For example, if your nonprofit provides support to single parents, focus on celebrities who have discussed their struggles growing up in a single-parent household. Always try to focus on celebrities who have a tie to your nonprofit's region if it is not national.

2. Contact the manager or management company of the celebrity. If you do not already have this number you may be able to find contact information through their official website.

3. Expect to call several times before getting through to someone. Everybody is always trying to get in contact with a celebrity for something, and the manager is very busy. The receptionist may not be willing to pass along your request to a busy manager or may ask you to call back another day.

4. Build a rapport with a kind receptionist. You may strike out with one receptionist, but a large management company will have more than one, and you may get lucky with a cooperative receptionist. He may tell you to keep calling back, but at least he is willing to listen and pass along your message to the manager. Be friendly and focus on calling only when you know he is around.

5. Send materials or a press kit about your nonprofit to the office. You may want to address it specifically to the cooperative receptionist so that it won't be tossed out with the other requests the celebrity receives. Make a follow-up phone call to make sure the package was received.

6. Prepare your pitch in case the celebrity's management team does call you. You should be able to succinctly answer all their questions and explain why this celebrity would be an ideal spokesperson for your nonprofit.

7. Negotiate the terms of the endorsement with management. If the celebrity agrees to be your nonprofit's sponsor, you will need to figure out with the management what he can and cannot do and when he will be available to do so. Some celebrities will only work for a fee, even if you are nonprofit, so take that into consideration as well. You may also have to include any hotel and travel accommodations for him.