Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fs2d Gold coin Sorter Instructions

The FS-2D sorts American pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

Retail businesses and charities that receive coins for payment or donations rely on coin sorters to sort the coins by denomination and deposit them in the bank or exchange them for paper money. The Royal Sovereign FS-2D Automatic Coin Sorter is an economical, fully automatic device that sorts mixed coins and stacks them into preformed coin tubes that banks accept for deposit. This coin sorter does not require any technical knowledge or expertise to use. It also includes an LCD digital screen so that you can see the number and value of the coins as it sorts them.


1. Remove each of the eight coin tubes (two per denomination) from its slot in the tube tray at the front of the coin sorter. Remove the front row tubes first by pulling them gently out of their slots and then pull the tube tray out so you can remove the back row tubes. Insert the proper size preformed coin wrapper into the tube with its crimped end down and place the tube with the wrapper back in its slot.

2. Plug the power cord into a standard electrical outlet. Turn the power switch at the rear of the unit on.

3. Press the "Run/Stop" button; it is the right-side button of the three-button control panel below the screen. Wait for a ticking sound to indicate that the machine is ready.

4. Place the coins you want to sort into the hopper at the top of the machine.

5. Check the screen to find out which tube is full as soon as the sorter stops and remove that denomination tube from the front row of the tube tray. Pull the tube tray out to continue sorting when a front row tube is full.

6. Remove each tube from the tube tray as soon as the machine fills it.

7. Push the full wrapper up from the bottom and then pull it out. Fold the top edge of the wrapper so that it covers and holds the edge of the coin at the top of the filled wrapper.

8. Insert a new wrapper into the coin tube and place it back into the front slot of the tube tray.

9. Empty and replace back row tubes immediately as per steps seven and eight after the machine fills them and then push the tray in to resume sorting.