Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Produce A Job Resume On The Web Site

Post your Web page resume to job boards.

A resume describes your work experience, education and skills in a condensed format so that potential employers see this information for the purpose of setting up an interview with you. This document is traditionally delivered via fax or mail, but you have the option of publishing your resume on a Web page to post your page link on job boards and give companies convenient access to your information. Create a basic job resume using HyperText Markup Language (HTML).


1. Run your computer's text editor application. Type the following code in a new document to create a basic Web page:

2. Enter a title, such as your name, between the "" tags. This information appears at the top of a browser window when your page is loaded.

3. Type "

" header elements (without quotes) between the "" tags and enter your name. Further, enter your contact information, including your phone number and email address, below the header:

Your Name Here

Mailing address

Phone number, Email address

Content between the header tags appear in a large, bold font.

4. Enter "

" paragraph tags and type in a title, such as "Objective," between "" bold elements to make this heading a darker color. Continue by entering a "" break tag to create a single line space and then type in the associated content. For example:


Enter your objective statement(s) here.

Text between the paragraph tags have a double space above and below.

5. Repeat the previous step to continue creating relevant sections, such as "Education" and "Experience," that you want to display on your resume.

6. Save your document with an "HTM" or "HTML" extension (for example, "resume.htm"). Start your browser and select "Open" or "Open File" from the "File" menu to preview your resume in the browser window.

7. Access a free file host, such as MediaFire or FileFactory, and click the "Upload" button to select your resume file and transfer it to the host (see Resources). Follow the onscreen instructions and then record the link that displays at the end of the upload process. Your resume is now published to the Internet and the link points to your page on the Web.