Monday, April 27, 2015

Pay A Traffic Ticket In Virginia

Traffic tickets are fairly common.

Traffic tickets are issued for a variety of reasons, including speeding, running stop signs and running red lights. These types of traffic tickets are called moving violations, and when a traffic ticket of this nature is issued to a driver there is a fine that must be paid in order to avoid a court hearing and the possibility of spending time in jail for non-payment of a traffic ticket. Virginia law requires that all traffic tickets be paid within 30 days of receipt.


1. Log onto the Virginia Supreme Court Web site.

2. Click on the tab labeled "Pay traffic tickets and other offenses."

3. To make a payment online prior to a court hearing regarding your traffic ticket, click on the link titled, "General District Court Case Information."

4. Enter the verification code shown in the box provided and click on the "Enter" tab.

5. Select the court from which your traffic ticket was issued. Enter your first and last name in the boxes provided and click on the "Search" tab.

6. From the listed results, find your name and click on the "Mark for Payment" tab.

7. Click on the "Continue Payment Process" tab.

8. Enter your personal and credit card information and click on the "Submit Payment" tab.

9. Print a copy of the confirmation for your records.

10. You may also pay your ticket by mailing a copy of the ticket along with a check or money order for the ticket fine to the District Court named at the top of your traffic ticket.