Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Write Instructions Of Intent For Any Pharmacy Residency

A letter of intent can help you get into a pharmacy residency program.

If you'd like to enter a pharmacy residency program, you may be required to include a letter of intent along with your resume or curriculum vitae. Read the application instructions carefully and make sure you're sending a letter of intent, rather than a cover letter. A cover letter is not as detailed and typically does not exceed one page. A letter of intent, on the other hand, goes into detail about your experience and future career path and can be one to two pages in length.


1. Type your name and contact information at the top of your letter of intent. Include your address, phone number and email. It's important that the director of the pharmacy residency program is able to get in touch with you easily.

2. Add the date you plan to send the letter of intent below your contact information .

3. Start your letter with a professional greeting, and try to address the residency program director directly, such as "Dear Ms. Sampson."

4. Explain that you are applying for the pharmacy residency program in the first paragraph. If you've been referred to the program by someone, such as a professor, you should include that information as well. Also include the type of pharmacist you hope to become, such as a pediatric or geriatric pharmacist. Be sure what you plan to become relates to the type of residency program you're applying for.

5. Describe more details about yourself and your experience in the next few paragraphs. When describing your pharmacy-related experience, such as your education, internships or research, try to focus on details that may set you apart from other applicants, such as completing an internship that's closely related to the residency program. A high grade point average or any awards you've received can help here. In these paragraphs, you should also describe your career objectives and your professional goals. Explain where you'd ideally like your career path to take you in the next five or 10 years.

6. Thank the recipient for taking time to review your resume or curriculum vitae in the last paragraph. Repeat your phone number and email address, and let the recipient know when you're available to come in to talk further about your qualifications. Mention that references can be provided upon request.

7. Add a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," to the cover letter. Type your name a few spaces below the closing, and don't forget to sign your name in that space once your letter of intent is printed and ready to send.