Thursday, April 16, 2015

About Decorating A Condo

When you first set foot in a new apartment, the vast, empty rooms seem full of possibility. Even the smallest, oldest apartment can seem exciting and inviting as you prepare to move in. Furnishing an apartment can be a fun and exciting task, especially if this is your first apartment. But whether you are moving out on your own for the first time or moving into what seems like the hundredth dwelling of this kind, selecting the items that will fill your humble abode can make all the difference and go a long way towards turning a living space into a home.


There are as many variations on apartments as there are on homes. You may have a studio, a one bedroom or more bedrooms. Your apartment may have a study or den, and if not, an extra bedroom might be used for this purpose. Some floor plans even have unique features such as lofts or conversation pits. Whatever your type of apartment, make sure that you know all the details before moving in. If you are moving into a studio apartment, you should focus on furnishings that can multi-task. If you have a laptop, a dining room table might double as a desk. A futon can be both a couch and a bed. Items such as hope chests can be handy because they provide both storage and a surface area for pictures and knick knacks. Studio apartment dwellers should focus on furnishings that are warm and welcoming. Plan on your bed doubling as a seating area for friends, as it will be in the room. If you have an apartment with one or more bedrooms, your bedroom furnishings can have a more personal and private touch, as visitors may rarely, if ever, see these rooms.


The most important thing in an apartment is often functionality. In even the largest of spaces, you want to make the best use of every square foot. Therefore, it is important to stick with furnishings that serve a purpose. If you are starting from scratch and purchasing new items, you will need to decide what activities in your daily life need to be accommodated. Beginning with the basics, a well-furnished apartment should have a functioning kitchen. This means at least a basic set of pots and pans for cooking, as well as plates, bowls, cups and silverware. If you enjoy cooking more elaborate meals, you may need to furnish your kitchen with extra storage space such as shelves, drawers, or counter-top canisters and organizers. At a very minimum, your bathroom will need towels and a shower curtain. Moving on to the bedroom, the most important piece of furniture is the bed. In addition, you will want to consider a dresser, shelves and nightstands. The living room and dining room are often the trickiest parts of an apartment to furnish. You have a plethora of options and should select something that will meet your individual needs. If you entertain frequently, you will need plenty of seating. If you enjoy television, an entertainment center and at least one piece of furniture to sit on are a good place to start. More intellectual types may want to furnish this area with a desk, bookshelves, and cozy armchairs. Families with children may need to consider shelving for toys. If you have a lot of mementos and pictures that you want to set around, you will need a surface for these. End tables, bookshelves and wall-mounted shelving can serve this purpose.


The size of an apartment can play a huge role in how it is furnished. Many apartments have one joined living and dining room. If you don't have a study, this could also be the only area available to you for a desk or work area. In situations like this, it is important to prioritize. If you don't serve a lot of large meals and live either alone or with just one other person, you may be able to forgo a dining room table altogether and simply use bar stools set at a counter. If you have a laptop, you might be able to use your computer sitting on the couch and won't need a desk. Size can cause issues in bedrooms as well. Some may not have any room leftover once you put a queen-sized bed in them. In situations like this, closets can be a lifesaver. Depending on the size and shape of your closet, you might consider placing a dresser or additional shelving inside to compensate for a lack of space in the room. There are also tricks for furnishing a small apartment to make it look bigger. Avoid pushing all the furniture up against walls. Bringing pieces into the center of the room and using unique angels can make a room appear much larger.


The features that an apartment comes with can determine many things when it comes to furnishings. First to consider are appliances. Most apartments come furnished with a refrigerator and stove. Some also feature a dishwasher and microwave. It is important to take note of these, as a microwave can be an important investment if the apartment does not provide one. In addition, some provide a washer and dryer in the unit. Others will have a washer/dryer hookup. If you do get a hookup, you should consider investing in a washer and dryer, as this is usually much cheaper in the long run than using a laundry facility. Some bedroom and linen closets already feature shelving, so this isn't a concern when purchasing furniture. If you have a porch or balcony off of your apartment, you might want to add some patio furniture to your list of furnishings, especially if you live in a climate where dining outdoors can be an enticing option.


When furnishing your apartment, there are many important things to take into consideration. If this is your first apartment, especially, you may overlook some of the most basic things. When you first move in, you should bring some essentials with you that you will need even before you begin to unpack. These items include toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, sponges, scissors and other cleaning supplies. It will be easier to clean up any less-than-pristine areas before you get all of your boxes and furniture into the apartment. It is also easier to paint before you move in. So if this is something you plan on doing, you may want to schedule a few days alone with your empty apartment to get the task done. Moving into a new apartment can be an expensive venture, so when it comes to new furnishings, you may want to take the cheapest route. Investigate places such a Goodwill and local garage sales. You can also look online at Craigslist for cheap or even free items that people are looking to get rid of. If you are the one with too many items for your new place, Goodwill and Craigslist may be a great place for you get rid of some things (and get together some extra cash) before the big move.