Monday, April 27, 2015

Suggestions For Presenting A Company Through Proposal Letters

Businesses send proposal letters to introduce themselves.

If you own a business or are opening a new business, sending proposal letters to prospective customers is a good way to gain business. Companies write proposal letters to introduce who they are and to let people or businesses know what they have to offer. Proposal letters should be relatively short and include only necessary key information.

Current Customers

If you already own a business but are trying to drum up more business with your existing customers, write them a proposal to introduce the products or services that you offer. These customers may not know the full extent of what your company offers. Include a company brochure in the letter and always address the letters personally by including the customer's name.

Prospective Customers

Choose a targeted group of potential customers and write a proposal that grabs their attention. Begin the letter by introducing the company and its products and services. Point out significant facts about the company, such as the length of time it has been in business. Keep the letter short but point out the ways in which your products and services could benefit them. Include customer testimonials on the bottom of the letter which may help increase the company's credibility.

Free Consultation

Write a letter that introduces your business to current or prospective customers that includes an offer for a free consultation. The idea of giving away something free may be enticing to people and may offer more of an incentive to call and find out more information.

New Businesses

If you are just opening a new business, sending proposal letters to numerous prospective customers is a great way to get your name out. Plan an open house at your business and invite the customers to stop by to check out what you have to offer. Offer door prizes and snacks and be well staffed for the event. In the letter, include details of what your company can do for customers. Give details about your company's products and include a detail or two that explains what sets your company apart.