Thursday, April 23, 2015

Don't Get Stuck Inside A Deadend Job

While some jobs offer plenty of room to grow, others are more limited, giving those who fill them almost no chance to advance. If you are eager to create a career that does more than just give you the money necessary to pay your bills, but instead fulfills you as a person, avoiding a dead-end job is a must. Consider what you ultimately want to achieve in the world of work as early in your career as you can and keep you eyes open for the warning signs that the position you have selected is one with no opportunity to grow.


1. Create a career plan. Don't float through your career, but instead take the wheel and navigate your career ship. List the goals you would like to accomplish as well as the position that you would ultimately like to obtain. In doing so, you can be more proactive in directing your career.

2. Obtain an education. People who get stuck in dead-end jobs are often the people who lack the education necessary to advance. If you want to go places in the workplace, getting an education is a must. Choose a degree that aligns with your career plan and obtain it, setting yourself up for later career success.

3. Consider advancement potential when selecting positions. When faced with two potential jobs, take into account more than just the the starting salary. Also take into consideration where each position could ultimately get you. In some instances the job that pays the most now is not the one that will ultimately prove the best choice.

4. Constantly seek advancement. When in a position in which you have become comfortable, it is easy to allow yourself to become complacent and stop seeking out advancement; doing so, however, sets you up to stagnate. Regardless of how comfortable you may be in your current position, keep your eyes open for advancement opportunities. If the chance to take on a higher-profile job comes up, take advantage and make a move.