Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Footnote A Pr Release

Adding relevant quotes and citations to your press release adds detail and credibility. If you are quoting a person you interviewed for the press release, you need only include his full name and company or affiliation as you introduce or conclude his quote. However, according to PR Syndication, "If you happen to be quoting a study or article (as opposed to a person) ..., be sure to cite the full name of your source within body copy or as a footnote." Choosing to cite as a footnote keeps the body of your press release focused on the information you are publicizing while still maintaining proper citation practice.


1. Use sequential numbers in parentheses or as superscript at the end of the sentence of each citation within your press release.

2. Place each corresponding citation number at the end the body of your press release but before the three pound (#) signs that indicate the end of your press release's re-publishable content.

3. Include the following information for each citation: title of the source (an article, for instance) in quotation marks with a comma inside the closing quotation mark; company or publication name, and a comma; and date of the publication. The overall format should look like this fictitious example: "eHow Increases Web Traffic with Press Release Citation Articles," Demand Studios press release, June 30, 2011.

4. Add the Internet address for any press release you found online followed by the date you viewed it. For example: "eHow Increases Web Traffic with Press Release Citation Articles," Demand Studios press release, June 30, 2011. Demand Media website., accessed June 30, 2011.