It is possible to work through infidelity.
There are many things that test the mettle of romantic relationships, but perhaps the hardest one of all is finding out that your partner has cheated on you. Faced with this news, many people choose to end the relationship immediately. Others elect to work through their underlying problems, confront the infidelity head-on, and make a re-commitment to one another. If you fall into this latter category, then there are several things that you can do to rebuild your relationship.
1. Talk openly and honestly about the affair.
2. Try to understand the motives for cheating.
3. Answer each other's questions.
4. Talk about and honor your feelings, whether they are sadness, anger, betrayal, denial or anything else.
5. Forgive the cheater and move on. You cannot punish the cheater forever.
See a Couples Counselor
6. Call the number on the back of your health insurance ID card to get referrals for a couples counselor.
7. If you don't have health insurance, ask friends and/or relatives if they might be able to recommend a couples counselor.
8. Make an appointment with a counselor to see if she is able and willing to work with you on rebuilding your relationship.
Be Patient with Yourself
9. Don't expect forgiveness and healing overnight. Both of these will take time.
10. Be good to yourself. Finding out that your loved one cheated on you can take a physical and emotional toll. Take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, getting plenty of sleep and confiding in friends or relatives.
11. Seek solace in church (if you are religious).