Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Write An Offer On Works of art

Use your word processor to help your career as an artist.

Offer your paintings for consideration in a show, or gallery by writing a proposal. A proposal details your experience as an artist and helps sell or market your art. It shows you're familiar with the market and that your work meets interest and demand. Grab attention in your introduction by writing a cover letter. A portion of your proposal explains your motivations expressed in your artwork, includes a resume outlining your professional experience and images of your paintings. Remember to mention certifications or memberships that pertain to your work.


Write an Artist's Proposal

1. Use your word processor to center and title your page as your cover letter. Align your sentences and paragraphs on the left side of your paper. Type the date and double space. Single space and type your contacts name, address and phone number. Drop down four spaces and address your contact by name. Double space and explain why you are writing to this company, what it is you propose to do for them though your paintings and double space again. Introduce your skills, qualifications and accomplishments in your second paragraph. Discuss jobs or projects that might interest your prospective employer. Discuss how your painting experience relates to the position or opportunity you're proposing. Refer to your resume, artist's statement and images enclosed in your proposal. Thank your contact for their time and consideration. Double space and type your closing. Double space twice and type your name. Type the word enclosures four spaces under your name. Print your cover letter.

2. Name your next page your artist's statement and drop down four spaces below your title. Align your sentences on the left side of your page. In the first paragraph explain why you paint your paintings and talk about your goals. In your second paragraph write about your tools and materials and why you choose paint. Answer what you like most about your art. In your third paragraph explain how your work evolves out of your life experiences or what you are exploring. Explain your thoughts and feelings in easy to understand language. Double space and type your name, single space and type your city and state. Single space again, type the date and print.

3. Connect your computer to the Internet. Open your word processor. Click on the word "Help" at the top of the page and go to the word processing office on-line. Download a sample resume and fill in your personal and work information that applies to your painting and art history. Print your resume.

4. Use your digital camera to photograph your paintings. Follow directions in your camera's manual to upload your photos to your computer. Open your word processor and click on the word "Insert" at the top of the page. Go down to the word picture; and then go to the words from file. Label your paintings with a title, date and note the medium you used. Print and include images of your paintings to complete your proposal package.