Thursday, July 2, 2015

Frame An Egyptian Papyrus Painting

Egyptians kept all their writings on papyrus. Papyrus was Egypt's major export.

Egyptian Papyrus is a piece of thick paper. Ancient Egyptians used a plant called papyrus that grew rampant on the banks of the Nile River. They harvested it and then processed it into paper. This was ancient Egypt's major export. Egyptians would keep their historical records---along with every other record---on papyrus in the form of hieroglyphs and pictures. These types of paintings are beautiful and bring back a taste of ancient Egypt. In order to protect them from wear and tear, you can frame them to create beautiful accents for any room.


1. Figure out the dimensions before purchasing your materials. If your Egyptian painting is 30 by 20 cm, then you need a frame that is 35 by 25 cm or larger. Your mat board should be just as large as the frame or a bit larger, unless the frame is wood boarders and glass in the middle. If the frame you choose is all glass, then purchase a mat board that is 5 to 7 cm larger than the painting.

2. Secure the painting to the mat board with the sticky tack. Measure 5 to 7 cm from the side and top of the mat board. Set the painting on the mat board with a 5 to 7 centimeter gap on each side and on the top and bottom. Draw lines with a pen, pencil or white-out pen in order to know where to cut. If the frame is larger than this and not all glass, then cut the mat board to fit the frame and center the painting on the board.

3. Use the razor blade to cut off excess mat board.

4. Frame the mat board. Use the sticky tack to secure the mat board to the frame if needed or desired.