Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Make Use Of An Electric Envelope Opener

Use an electric envelope opener to swiftly cut open a letter without exposing your fingers to sharp blades or paper edges. Automatic letter openers range all the way from high-speed milling units that can open over 40,000 envelopes of mixed sizes per hour and remove the contents, to battery-operated handheld openers that handle one inserted envelope at a time. A letter opener at a small business would typically use wall electricity and automatically open a small stack of business-size envelopes before you could pour a cup of coffee.


Use an Electric Envelope Opener

1. Open a letter with a handheld model. Hold the opener in one hand. Orient the letter to be opened according to envelope diagram showing which side to feed into the slot. Slip a corner of the envelope into the slot, and the letter opener will start automatically. Hold the opposite side of the envelope as it feeds through the cutter and opens in seconds.

2. Open envelopes with an office model. Place a stack of business envelopes on the feeder table. An envelope image will show which side faces up and which way to turn the sealer flaps. The feeder will automatically begin taking envelopes from the bottom of the stack and sending them through the cutter. The open letters will be deposited into a catch tray in the same order you originally stacked them.

3. Open mail with a high-speed milling conveyor. Sort envelopes by size for efficiency. Stack the envelopes on the slanted hopper with the bottoms facing out. Turn on the machine and stand still for a few seconds. The feeder will slip letters through the cutter and drop them on a conveyor that sweeps them into a stack in front of the hopper.