Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Research An Ein

Learn look up an employer identification number.

An EIN, also known as a federal employer identification number, is issued by the Internal Revenue Service to identify business entities. Business identification numbers are needed to complete many types of filings, forms and transactions. A variety of ways exist to find EINs.


1. Check your paycheck stub thoroughly. Employer identification numbers (EINs) can usually be found near the wage areas on your income statements. Most businesses list the EIN number on pay stubs to provide more information about their business and for employee verification purposes.

2. Review your W-2 income tax form form the Internal Revenue Service. Employer identification numbers are usually found on the Employer ID line. Old tax filings with earnings usually contain personal information, such as name, address and the EIN.

3. Contact the employer and directly request an EIN. Write a letter and include your name, address, phone number and reason for you requesting the EIN.

4. Search for online companies to conduct a private search for an EIN. A fee is usually charged for this service. Consumers usually choose this option after all others have been exhausted.