Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Understand French Attitudes Towards Work

France is one of the most amazing countries in the world, boasting the best of everything in terms of food, wine, fashion, architecture and art, just to name a few areas of French accomplishment. However, French attitudes toward work are quite different than ours in the west. Follow these steps to understand French work ethics.


1. Be aware that the French work fewer hours per week, but they work better than workers in many other countries. On average, the French worker only puts in about 35 hours per week. Though this is considerably less than western workers, the French still manage to boast the highest hourly productivity in the world.

2. Note that the French take lengthier vacations than westerners, but they still manage to remain competitive in their various fields. French workers view work as a means to an end, not an end in itself. They feel that family, happiness and health are more important than any economic pursuit. The average French vacation is about 5 to 8 weeks.

3. Understand that the French believe in earlier retirement than westerners do. Again, this has to do with the French attitude that life is more important than work. Many French workers put in their time for their company, and then they conclude working at around age 45.

4. Know that the French take the view that since the company can fire you at anytime, you don't owe them any more than the bare minimum in terms of work and devotion. According to the French book, "Bonjour Paresse" (Hello Laziness), this is the dominant view of work in France.

5. Remember that the French have a less organized, less overscheduled work attitude. They believe in a more laissez-faire way of doing things. Long lunches and loosely organized work projects are the norm. They simply have confidence in their ideas and do not feel the need to over-regulate workers.