Creating a catalog or magazine for your clientele is a way to keep them abreast with your latest products, services, and articles. To create a catalog and have it printed can be quite costly. However, you can use software to create a professional quality 3D catalog with flipping pages. It's a quick way to take your business to the next level.
1. Ensure that the pages you would like to turn into flipping pages has been saved as a PDF document on your computer. You can create PDF documents by using software such as Adobe Acrobat or CutePDF (no endorsements).
2. Open a software program on your computer that will allow you to create flipping catalog pages. Generally, you will have to purchase this type of software. Numerous online websites (see References for examples) provide such downloadable software for a fee.
3. Select the option to create a new catalog. The option to create a new catalog will likely be found by clicking on "File" from the menu bar and selecting "New." However, this method will vary depending upon the software program you are using.
4. Select the option to "Import" the PDF document, referred to in Step 1, into the software program. Once the PDF file has been imported, you will be able to customize the settings for the catalog, such as the page order, flipping effects, and cover selection.
5. Click "File" and "Save" from the menu bar of the software program to save your new 3D catalog.