Monday, March 16, 2015

Write A Customer Memo

Client memos can be sent through the regular mail.

Memos are often sent to many people at a time and are not meant to be personalized like a business letter is. A business memo is written to give instruction or to inform an audience. That audience can be members of your organization or a third party, such as a client. When writing a client memo, it is even more important to remain professional throughout your memo and to give plenty of information. Additional materials, such as information about your company, may be included with the client memo.


1. Create the heading for your client memo. The heading categories are To, From, Date and Subject. The To section should include all of the clients to whom you're sending the memo. Your name goes in the From section. The date you're sending the memo should be written after "Date," and the subject of the memo should clearly explain the purpose, such as "Additional Information Needed for Website Project."

2. Write the first paragraph with your client in mind. The first paragraph should be a few sentences that briefly explain your purpose for the memo. Using the website project example, you would explain the project you're working on for the client, why you need additional information and what that information is. This is a summary, so no details need to be included yet.

3. Write the body of the memo, which is usually a few paragraphs long. This is where you will include details for the client's reference. For example, you might talk about what aspect of the website project you're having trouble with and what specific information you need from the client.

4. Include steps you need the client to take, if applicable, in the closing paragraph. Informative memos, such as updating the client on a new company policy, won't need this section. In the website project example, however, you would need to explain to the client how you prefer the additional information be sent to you. If no action is required of the client, you can give your contact information in case he has questions. Don't forget to thank him for his time.