Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Meaning Of Process Mapping

Process Map

Process mapping is a technique where a business process or workflow is converted into a visual, step-by-step diagram. Process mapping is used to better understand an existing process and to help develop a more effective one. The goal of process mapping is to improve business results.

Process Map

A process map is the output of the process mapping technique. This is a diagram or flow chart that includes shapes and arrows, which depict the process from beginning to end. Each shape represents an action within a process.

Understand All Process Activities

To create a process map, you must understand every step within the process, including the inputs, outputs and resources used. It is helpful to engage and gather input from the employees who are closest to the process. Common information-gathering techniques include observation, brainstorming and surveys.

Process Map Shapes

Process Map Shapes

Within a process map, there are standard uses for different shapes. For example, rectangles are used to depict action steps. Parallelograms are used to represent inputs or outputs. Cylinders are used to represent databases.

A List Before a Diagram

Before creating a visual diagram, it is helpful to make a list of the process steps. Label the first step in the process as "step one," the second step as "step two," and continue this method until you reach the end of the process.

Tools for Process Mapping

To simplify the process of building a diagram, many businesses leverage software tools. These include Microsoft Visio, SmartDraw and ConceptDraw.

Benefits of Process Mapping

By understanding the strengths and weaknesses within existing processes, businesses can solve problems and build better "future state" processes. Process mapping can help to improve productivity, increase efficiency, reduce errors, stimulate sales revenue and enhance customer satisfaction.