Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Attend Pr Conferences

There are a number of public relations conferences held each year, with many typically hosted by various professional organizations. Some focus on very specific facets of public relations, such as event planning or word-of-mouth marketing. Attending a conference can result in a number of opportunities--even beyond hearing an interesting speaker or learning a new technique. Conferences offer chances for networking, checking out new vendors and learning about the competition.


Get Into Public Relations Conferences

1. Pick the conference you want to attend. Consider the overall topic of the conference, who is speaking, the cost and the location.

2. Determine if your conference of choice limits attendance. Some conferences, especially those organized by professional associations, will limit attendees to members of the association. You may have to purchase a membership in order to attend.

3. Consider volunteering at the conference or purchasing a vendor's booth at a conference to simplify attendance. If you are knowledgeable about a specific facet of public relations, you may be able to speak at a conference in exchange for free admission.

4. Plan your trip to the conference. If you are attending an out-of-town conference, you will need to make your own arrangements for travel and accommodations. Many organizations arrange for reduced rates at the hotels hosting the conferences, but you may choose other accommodations as well.

5. Keep up to date on conference arrangements right up until you are ready to depart for the conference itself. Changes to speakers, venues and accommodations can happen right up until the last minute.