Setting up MySpace and Facebook fan pages can boost your website visits.
If you don't take advantage of social media like Facebook and MySpace to drive business to your website, then you are missing out on good promotional opportunities. The reason is because millions of people use Facebook and MySpace and those are potential sales you are missing out on. An added advantage to using Facebook and MySpace is that they are free to use. It won't cost you anything but a bit of your time to set up a Facebook fan page and a MySpace fan page for your business. According to Mashable, the social media blog, Facebook is adding a half million new users every day. That's half a million people you could be directing daily to your business website.
Facebook Fan Page
1. Go to Facebook's website and create an account if you don't already have one. Be sure and confirm the account when Facebook sends you an email.
2. Go to the bottom of your profile and click on "Advertising." Then click on "Pages" in the menu on the top left side of the page. Finally click "Create a Page." This will take you to a page that will ask a few questions about the type of business you have, and give you a chance to name the page. Make sure you put a check next to "Do Not Make Page Publicly Visible at This Time" so your page doesn't go live without all your information.
3. Add a photo of your business or of something related to your business. For example, if you're an author you could add an image of one of your book covers.
4. Write a message on the wall of your profile inviting all your friends to become a fan on your fan page. You can do this by typing in your message in the blank indicated for your wall and then clicking on the blue "Share" button.
5. Post regular messages on your fan page wall for all your fans. Tell them when you are having specials, sales, contests, or any other important information. Make sure you add a link to your business website and encourage your fans to visit.
6. Go to MySpace's website and create an account. Fill in only your business information rather than your personal information since this is meant to drive business to your website. MySpace is designed for individuals but that does not mean you cannot use it for business purposes.
7. Find potential friends. You can do this by manually using the search engine at the top of your MySpace profile by simply typing in key words that relate to your business. For example if you're a romance author you can type in romance authors and the search engine will bring up potential friends.
8. Add friends. You can do this by going to MySpace pages of the people and or businesses that come up in your searches and clicking on "Add to Friends" in the contact box to the left. This will bring up a form that allows you to request that the person be added to your Friends list.
9. Post regular bulletins. You can do this by going to the "Friends" drop-down menu and selecting "Bulletins." This will also bring up current bulletins posted by your friends. Click on the "Post Bulletin" link at the top right side of the page. Then simply type in a subject and then your bulletin in the indicated places. This a great way to let all your friends know about any sales, invite them to visit your website or anything that will encourage them to visit your business website.
10. Blog regularly on the blog that you get with your MySpace page. Writing posts that utilize keywords will go a long way towards helping drive business to your website. You can access your MySpace blog by clicking on the link "Manage Blog" on the left side of the page. This will open your blog, and then under "My Controls" on the left side, click on the link "Post New Blog." This will bring up the form for posting a new blog.