There are a lot of ways to make money online right now, if you find the right information, correct targetted customers
you will be able to generate a good amount of income online.
Facebook is one of the biggest social networking media right now with 31 million active members and growing, there are many potential ways to promote to these active groups.
Check out below on some tips on how you can leverage the use of Facebook.
1. Build a list of followers and you will be able to promote to this followers. Having a list of followers is very important because you have a targetted audience of who to promote your products to.
2. Post a link of your Article on your facebook. This is very important because you are sharing your article to your followers which means possible clicks and possible article view revenue.
3. Create a Facebook app, this is mainly for developers or companies out there, facebook has over 31 million active members and if you have an app to sell even for just a dollar, imagine the profit.
4. Promote your affiliate products to your followers, make sure to only promote products that your followers are interested in, this will insure that your followers will always check your facebook
page or else they will remove you from thier list :)