Correctly measuring your work area is an essential step in the preparation of laying a hardwood floor. Underestimating the quantity of flooring needed can leave you scrambling at the last minute, while overestimating wastes money and materials. Finding the proper square footage is accomplished with simple geometry: AREA = LENGTH x WIDTH. Follow the steps below to minimize waste, but still have enough flooring to finish the job.
1. Draw a diagram of the floor area on your paper.
2. Measure one side of the floor area. This is the length of the floor. Write it on the corresponding side of the diagram.
3. Measure perpendicular to your first measurement and write the result on the corresponding side of the diagram. This is the width of the floor.
4. Find the area of the floor by using the formula: AREA= LENGTH x WIDTH.
5. Calculate the waste needed for the floor: AREA x 10% (1.10) = TOTAL MATERIAL NEEDED.