Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pitch An Element Article To Some Newspaper

Newspapers can be a great outlet for publicizing important ideas. They have a local reach and audience, print in large quantities, and are usually timely with daily printing runs. Coverage in a newspaper can provide interest and awareness for a newsworthy feature story.


1. Know your subject matter and why it is important to the public.

2. Pitch specific ideas rather than broad topics. Specific ideas are most suitable for interesting and to-the-point newspaper articles.

3. Investigate your idea, making sure it's original, timely and relevant to this particular newspaper.

4. Research the newspaper's staff and identify the editor who would most likely share interest in your idea. Larger newspapers have individual editors for topics such as health, business and the arts. If you don't feel your story falls into one of the specialties offered, consider contacting the managing editor.

5. Think of your concept from the editor's point of view. What makes it appealing to him? What about it draws interest, excitement, conflict or resolution? Answering these questions will make your pitch stronger.

6. Share your idea with friends, family and coworkers. They may ask questions that resonate and allow you to build a stronger story.

7. Contact the appropriate editor, through e-mail or by phone if possible, and pitch your idea.