Make a mind map in Visio.
Mind maps allow you to graphically organize your ideas in a manner consistent with the way the human mind works. Microsoft Office Visio will allow you to quickly and efficiently create clear, dynamic mind maps to aid you in fleshing out your idea and explaining those ideas to others.
1. Open Visio. Select the "File" menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen then "New," "Flowchart," then "Mind Mapping Diagram."
2. Drag the "central theme" shape from the "Diagram Shapes" area onto the drawing area. Double-click on the words in the drawing area to change the central theme.
3. Drag an "auto-sized box" from the "Diagram Shapes" area to the drawing area. Type the text for a concept related to your central concept in this box.
4. Click on your new "auto-sized box" and drag the yellow handle to the central concept to define a connection between the ideas.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, adding new concepts and connecting them to the central concept or other concepts.
6. Drag other shapes from the "Diagram Shapes" area onto the drawing area to represent groupings, links, uncertainty or other concepts. Place these shapes over text concepts.
7. Make your shapes transparent to allow viewers to see the concepts behind the shapes. Click on a shape, then select the "Format" menu from the menu bar, then click "Fill." Adjust the "Transparency" field so the shape is visible along with the concepts behind it. Click "Apply" to view changes.