Spatial intelligence is defined as the ability to interpret information from visual sources such as pictures, maps and plans. A person with spatial intelligence can decide if a piece of furniture will fit through a door without a measuring tape. They also can solve complex puzzles and have good drawing skills. If you are weak in these areas, there are things you can do that will improve your spatial intelligence.
1. Take an art class that will teach you truly look at items and break them down in your mind so that you can draw them. A photography class will have a similar effect as it teaches you look at the composition of an item to take a better picture. Other art projects you can do includes cutting out your favorite pictures and make a collage--origami.
2. Rearrange rooms regularly. Moving furniture around helps you to see how items can fit into different configurations in the same setting. Eventually, you will be able to re-arrange a room in your mind without moving any furniture.
3. Work on puzzles that exercise the brain. Start with jigsaw puzzles and work your way up to more and more difficult puzzles like Suduko and Rubik’s Cube.
4. Practice reading maps and orienteering. Volunteer to be the navigator in road trips. This helps you to make mental connections of distance and space.
5. When learning information, use colored markers to highlight important information. Also, integrate art and images into information you are studying.
6. Learn to estimate differences. Try to determine when you have driven a mile. Try to guess the size different places, and then the area to check your math.
7. Train your brain with spatial intelligence games. There are numerous websites and software that you can use. See the resource section for some of these websites.