Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Obtain A Ford Foundation Grant

The Ford Foundation grants money in four major categories. To get a Ford Foundation grant your organization's project must line up with what the Ford Foundation is funding at a given time. The process will be long and intense at times, but well worth it in the end. Your organization will be allowed to go further than your present budget allows and do more for the world.


1. Set up a 501(c)(3).

2. Start accomplishing something with the newly formed 501(c)(3). Foundations that grant money to nonprofits want to know that you are an established organization that is doing good in the world. Grants are usually given to expand a present project or further the organization's mission. Keep your mission in line with the Ford Foundation's values.

3. Decide whether the grant you seek lines up with the Ford Foundation's mission. Read Ford Foundation's mission statement, look up past grants given and to which organizations they are given and check the financial background of those organizations. Find this information on the Ford Foundation's website and on Guidestar's website.

4. Write a letter to the Ford Foundation at Secretary, The Ford Foundation, 320 East 43 Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Include in the letter the purpose of the project the grant will fund, what the project will address, information about your organization, the budget, how long the organization needs the funding and the qualification of the organization's leadership to handle the grant and the project. The Ford Foundation will then line up their interests with your organization's interests and see if they mesh.

5. Wait for the Ford Foundation to request further information. The Ford Foundation staff will look over the information you have submitted and determine whether a grant is feasible. The recommendations are considered in New York at bi-monthly meetings. While waiting you can draw up an in-depth grant proposal, the organization's current budget, gather the names and resumes of those working on the grant, the financials of the organization and proof of 501(c)(3) status.