Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Obtain A Tax Id In Texas

Get a Tax ID in Texas

Persons who buy and sell in Texas need a Texas Tax ID number and a permit to display. A Texas Tax ID or Sales Tax Permit is a certificate number used for payment of sales taxes. A Texas Tax ID number also allows you to make purchases for resale without having to pay sales tax. The Texas Comptroller's Office often checks vendors to ensure that they are collecting sales taxes and submitting payments to the state.


1. Find an NAICS Code that most closely applies to your business. This is the North American Industry Classification System used by the federal government and the Bureau of Labor Standards for categorizing business establishments. The Texas Comptroller's Office also uses this coding system.

2. Apply for a file number from the Texas Secretary of State if you are filing for a Texas Tax ID on behalf of a corporation, either in-state or out-of-state.

3. Gather the necessary information to apply for a Texas Sales and Use Tax Permit. You will need a Social Security number. If you apply on behalf of a corporation, you'll need a Social Security number for each officer of the corporation. Likewise, partnerships need a Social Security or federal employer's identification number for each partner.

4. Follow the instructions and complete the form online or print the form and complete it. You must download and print the signature form and mail it to the Texas Comptroller's Office.

5. Mail the signature form or the entire form with signature to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, 111 E. 17th Street, Austin, TX 78774-0100.

6. Wait about four weeks for your Texas Sales Tax Permit to arrive by mail.