In the first few years of the 21st century, it was enough for your business to have a website, a place for customers to connect with your business online. Since social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have become popular, your company must do more to stay current with customer expectations. Despite the maintenance they require, company profiles benefit your business.
Connect with Customers
Social networking sites are more public territory than your company website. Almost anyone can see how many people "like" or "follow" your company by simply viewing your company profile. Such an open popularity contest is incentive for you and your staff members to put your best foot forward when interacting with your customers through your profile. Your profile is a place for you to respond to customer feedback in a way that you might not ordinarily. When you are open to customer concerns, smarter business moves tend to follow.
Attract New Customers
Because so many people can see your company profile, it serves as a free form of marketing for your business. Users on the site are more likely to visit your profile if their friends like your company, and when they do, they may find your company website address and click the link. People also find your site through search engines, because search engines feature social networking sites in their top results.
Staying Competitive
Just as a company without a website loses customers to a company that is online, social networking gives you an advantage over businesses that don't use it. Consumers prefer things to be simple, and if they have to work too hard to find information about your business, they're likely to move on to a competitor that is more accessible.
Work/Life Balance
If you already have an account on a social networking site, you should use a separate profile for business. Doing so gives you the freedom to express yourself on your personal profile without fear of negatively affecting business. It also prevents customer confusion, because customers expect a business profile to feature news about your business, not the personal photos and thoughts of an individual.