Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What's The Meaning Of Charitable organisation

Charity is benevolence, or an act based upon a belief in the goodness and worth of other people.

History of the Term

The word "charity" comes from the Latin "caritas," meaning "costliness, esteem, affection." Early Christians used "caritas" as a Latin translation of the Greek term "agape," which described a universal non-sexual love for other people. Current usage of "charity" typically implies an action in assistance of someone needing help.


Charity is commonly used to describe an organization that facilitates charity benefiting people in need. It also often refers to the act of giving money, time or resources to others without expecting reciprocation. In philosophy, the "principle of charity" refers to temporarily setting aside one's beliefs in order to consider an opposing argument as if it were true.

Religious Significance

In Christianity, charity is one of three Theological Virtues, an inborn altruistic impulse to unconditionally love and selflessly assist all people. The Christian tradition of tithing, optionally pledging a portion of personal income for donation to charity, has analogies in the obligatory charitable traditions of Sunni Islam (Zakat), Judaism (Tzedakah) and Hinduism (Dāna).


A recipient of charity not only receives assistance with a financial or physical hardship, but also a confirmation of his or her worth and the assurance that everyone deserves kindness. Likewise, charity can help the self-esteem of the giver, who may feel more connected to the community or take comfort in his or her ability to help the less fortunate.

Charity Fraud

If members of an organization purport to facilitate charitable exchanges, but in reality use the guise of benevolence for personal gain, they are guilty of charity fraud. The existence of fraudulent charities may hinder an individual from giving, for fear of being swindled.