Monday, September 28, 2015

What's The Concept Of Home Financial aspects

Home economics is the study of skills that pertain to the home and involves subjects such as nutrition, cleaning, financial literacy, cooking and other home-related skills. Home economics is primarily taught in elementary and high schools.


A major part of home economics is learning proper cleaning procedures for the home. For example, students learn clean the stove and oven and properly sort out clothes for placement in the washer.

Cooking and Nutrition

Home economics also deals with proper cooking and nutrition standards. For example, students may learn safety measures to follow when frying foods, and then they'll learn the basic food groups and how many calories they should consume per day.


Students in home economics also learn financial literacy skills. For example, they may learn save money on groceries by using coupons and some teachers show write out checks, balance checkbooks and open a savings account.


Home safety is another important topic in home economics. For example, students learn use the fire extinguisher, handle electrical outlets when near water, and administer first aid.


Home economics is beneficial in that it gives students the opportunity to learn important life skills. It also prepares them for emergencies that will require quick thinking and swift actions.