Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rent Charge Card Devices

When selling goods or services, most business owners will need a credit card machine. While you can certainly purchase one, you can also rent or lease a credit card machine. Perhaps you just need it for a short time period due to a move or an event that is temporary. No matter what the reason you may have, renting is an option when considering using a credit card terminal.


1. Find a company that leases. Some companies only handle sales of credit card terminals. Be sure to ask if there is a leasing program. Some companies will rent you refurbished terminals at a lower rate than a new machine would cost you.

2. Find out the cost for renting versus purchasing. Even if you do only need the machine for a short time period, sometimes the cost of leasing can be more than the cost of purchasing a machine outright. If you need the machine for less than 6 months, then leasing is usually the least expensive route. Comparison shop and find out the best deal for your finances. You can always use the terminal at a later date or resell it. If you do decide to lease, determine the cost for the length of time you need it for.

3. Learn about the contract and stipulations. Some places will charge an early termination fee even for short-term rentals. Be sure to look carefully at the contract and ask about any hidden charges you might not be aware of. A few companies want a specific time period such as a 12-month lease, while others may rent to you on a month-to-month basis.

4. Find out the process. Most places will want you to sign a rental contract and may require a deposit. Your deposit is usually refundable, but you will be responsible for any monthly rental fees you incur for as long as you rent your credit card terminal.