Write a Job Ad
As an employer, you will need to write a job ad at some time. The goal of the ad is to attract potential employees who have the required ability and experience that they need to do the job. This way, you will waste less time interviewing people who don't have the qualifications that you require.
1. Write down a complete analysis and description of the job. Take note of the key points that you want to include in your job ad, such as required job skills or duties that the employee will perform.
2. Begin writing your job ad, starting by stating the company and the position that you need to fill. You can probably include this information in the ad title, which should be descriptive and eye catching. Follow with a short list of job duties. If you require any previous experience, a college degree or other experience, list those next.
3. Mention the salary. Some employers like to list the pay in the ad, while others prefer not to discuss that until they find an employee they want to hire. This is up to you; you can simply say that you offer competitive pay.
4. List the reasons why your company is great to work for. Maybe you offer paid holidays, paid training, overtime or bonuses. If you strive to maintain a great work environment, say so in your job ad. Job seekers look for jobs that will improve their life.
5. Include contact information and instructions on apply. You may want applicants to mail or fax their resumes, or come in to ask for an application instead. Make sure you specify where your company is, so that applicants who don't live in the area and don't wish to commute won't apply.