Friday, November 21, 2014

Construct Book Pages For Any Writer

Present your manuscript in a clean, simple format.

Once a manuscript is finished, the hard work of writing is over and the hard work of submitting it to a publisher begins. Getting published is difficult as it is, and no one wants to see a book or article rejected just because it wasn't laid out out in the right format. While writing is a creative process, laying out a manuscript for submission is not; guidelines must be followed. Submissions to publishers must be formatted in Manuscript Format.


Layout Settings

1. Lay out the document using the settings on your word processor to be double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all four sides.

2. Indent paragraphs, do not make a line space.

3. Set the font to Courier 12 point.

Layout for Novels and Nonfiction Books

4. Type the title halfway down the cover page, skip two lines and type your name. Skip two lines and write your contact information, include your agent's name and contact details here if you have one. Skip down two more lines and type the number of words in the manuscript. Center all of the text on the title page by selecting this option on your word processor.

5. Include a running header at the top of every page. The header should include your last name, the title of the book (or a keyword if the title is exceptionally long) and the page number, separated by backslashes. It should appear as "Last name/Title/Page #." Do not include the header on the first page of each new chapter.

6. Start each chapter halfway down a fresh page. The first line should be the title of the chapter or its number.

Layout for Articles and Short Stories

7. Type your name, address, phone number, email, and fax if applicable in the upper left of the first page if your are submitting an article or short story. This should all be single-spaced.

8. Type the number of words in the article or story in the top right corner. Round the number to the nearest 10. Type the title centered halfway down the page in a slightly larger font than the rest of the manuscript or in boldface. Skip two lines and type your name.

9. Include a running header at the top of every page except the first. The header should include your last name, the title of the book (or a keyword if the title is exceptionally long) and the page number, separated by backslashes. It should appear as "Last name/Title/Page #." Do not include the header on the first page of each new chapter.


10. Print the manuscript on quality white paper, minimum 20lb thickness.

11. Use 8.5 by 11 inch paper in the U.S. Use A4 paper everywhere else in the world.

12. Print the manuscript and mail the loose sheets in an envelope that tightly fits the pages. Do not staple or paperclip any pages.