Friday, December 19, 2014

Recycling Options For Business Proprietors

U.S EPA suggests that by recycling in offices we can save energy and prevent pollution.

According to Inc., 90 percent of office waste in the average workplace can be recycled, yet offices and other business sites do not recycle as much as households in America. Nevertheless, business owners can ensure that their offices recycle as much as possible, exploring recycling alternatives to get the job done.

Paper Recycling

Offices use photocopiers, therefore if you have regular piles of waste paper on hand, then you need to look into recycling. Put a paper recycling box next to the photocopier to collect waste paper. Boxes are available from recycling companies that will remove waste paper for you. If possible, set your photocopiers to print on both sides, by default. Encourage staff to save files as computer files and not as paper files and send e-mails instead of sending office memos.

Envelopes and Paper

Recycle and reuse envelopes you send and receive. Businesses often have to send out letters and promotional information by regular mail, yet this can waste paper. Consider ordering recycled paper and reusable envelopes to help reduce waste; encourage your customers to send payments in with the envelope provided or to sign up for electronic statements and online payment options.

Recycling Other Materials

Homeowners recycle different materials including glass, plastic, metal and aluminum cans, mixed paper and organics, items you can recycle at the office as well. Invest in recycling boxes, designed much like paper ones and place them in areas where they are easiest to use. For example, place an organics box near where people get rid of waste foods at lunchtime and place an aluminum can box near the vending machine. Contact your town to see if recycling services are extended to businesses. Private companies can handle whatever the town does not offer.

Buy Recycled Office Supplies

Businesses may overlook buying recycled office supplies and opt for the cheapest suppliers. However, there are options available when it comes to filling your office with recycled supplies or equipment. Some suppliers offer recycled office supplies including paper products and file folders. Train your staff to reuse old binders, turn scrap paper into scrap pads, use refillable pens and send as much correspondence electronically as possible. Donate old office furniture to ensure its reuse; replace with remanufactured furniture to reduce your company's overall environmental impact.