Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Be A Safety Worker On Construction Jobs

Safety workers in the construction field verify safe working conditions and train employees in safe work practices as defined by Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations. Many companies hire their safety workers from inside the company. A history of working safely along with performing your normal duties in a professional manner is necessary before considering a position as a safety worker. Once you become a safety worker with a construction company, you become the person looked to when any safety violation are found on a job site. The pressure put on many safety workers is great and should be taken into consideration before applying for a safety position.


1. Attend university or college courses specializing in inspection procedures, construction methods, industrial hygiene, human resources and hazardous waste management. Some colleges offer a bachelor's degree in occupational health and safety that can help you advance in your career goals.

2. Express an interest in joining your company's safety team while you attend school. No matter where you currently work, the experience you gain being part of a safety team will serve you well when seeking employment as a construction safety worker.

3. Accept college internships in the construction field. This is especially important if you have never worked in the construction field. If you already work for a construction company while you are attending college, speak with you supervisor about completing your internship with that company.

4. Apply with the company you presently work for or any construction company hiring a safety worker. Provide a typed resume that describes your experience and education. Some companies will expect you to provide copies of your diploma and transcript.