Friday, December 19, 2014

Make A Website In Nz

To create a website using a country-specific domain name such as, you must use a registrar that can register country-specific domains. There are many web hosts, both free and otherwise, that cater to customers who want to use country-specific domains. Choose a name that is available, purchase the name and then create the web page. If you want to create a New Zealand website but don't want a country-specific domain name, contact a web hosting company which caters to New Zealand.


Creating Your Own Web Page

1. Decide if you want to use a domain for New Zealand or a regular domain such as .com, .org or .net.

2. Choose a registrar for your domain name or a web host that will provide the type of domain name you want. Some web hosts will only registers .com, .net or .org. For New Zealand-specific registrars, see Resources.

3. Decide if you want to create your own page or use a web host, which allows you pick and choose a pre-made website design. To create your own web page, you'll need to learn HTML and CSS. Some people find it easier to start with a pre-made template and change it later.

Getting a New Zealand Web Address to Point to Your Existing Website

4. Register a domain name with a registrar that allows you register a New Zealand domain.

5. Get the name servers for your host at the domain manager for your website. If you do not have access to the name servers, call your web host. There should be two addresses.

6. Copy the name servers to your New Zealand domain. Go into your account for the domain and change the name servers to the address given to you by your web host. You will have to wait 30 minutes to 48 hours for the DNS to update so you can use the domain for your website.