Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Your Website To Request

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Increase the visibility of your website to expand the number of website visitors and the overall success of it. Pay for search engine advertising, banner ads or other marketing methods to reach targeted viewers, or use unpaid methods of search engine optimization. Regardless of your marketing mix, the foundation of your strategy ensures your site is included in search engine results. Adding your website to the search engine Ask requires optimizing your website as a form is no longer offered to submit your site URL to the search engine.


1. Create a website filled with relevant information. Websites with a higher amount of original content allow the Ask crawler more content to index, which increases the chance of your website appearing in search results.

2. Include a robots.txt file in your site coding. Locate this file at the top of your website files using the standard file format of "www.yoursitename.com/robots.txt". If you use a software program to create your website, you may need to adjust settings or add a plugin to ensure the "robots.txt" file is created.

3. Create a sitemap of your website. The sitemap should include your entire URL and cover the full website. Use the sitemaps protocol to help ensure your site can be discovered by the Ask crawler and all other search engines for that matter.

4. Submit your sitemap location to Ask (submissions.ask.com.) Adding your website sitemap does not ensure inclusion in the search engine, but it will help the crawler locate and map out your website content.

5. Obtain links from other websites. The Ask crawler naturally discovers new websites by following links on websites they currently review. Ask for other website owners to include a link to your website, submit your website to online directories or participate in online forums and place links in your signature.

6. Check your search engine status. Place your URL in the Ask search engine. If a listing for your site is returned, your website has been crawled and included in the Ask index. If no listing is returned, you may need to wait more time for the organic process to occur, or you will need to improve the content of your site.