Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Promote Worldwide Education

Many students pursue an international education.

International education can have many benefits. International education can include study abroad programs that allows students to experience other cultures first hand, or it can come from a college major or a series of classes that provide foreign language and intercultural instruction. Whatever the mode of learning, the opportunity to enhance the traditional learning environment from your home country with another perspective can be enriching for all participating parties. If you are involved in an international education program or initiative and want to promote its benefits, there are several resources that might prove useful.


1. Participate in International Education Week. Host an event that supports international education; for example set up a panel discussion of students who have participated in study abroad programs to discuss their experiences. Invite a guest speaker from a foreign exchange program to explain the pros and cons to international education. Take videos and photos of your event and upload them to the US department of State International Education Week website for international online exposure.

2. Establish an international education center. Recruit academic partners to establish an organization that supports your international education missions. Establish by-laws, officers, a mission and a plan for your organization. Present your aims to university officials for support. For example, ask the university information technology department about establishing a dedicated website for your organization's interests. Solicit the support of local businesspeople that might prove mutually beneficial. For example, speak to area travel agents about discount group fare for educational endeavors if their agency is used exclusively.

3. Partner with existing international education organizations. Several agencies welcome members who share their interests in international education. These organizations sponsor conferences that provide networking opportunities, industry and academic standards, scholarship opportunities and training resources. You will not only make the interests of your international education endeavor known, but you can also benefit from their well-established resources.