Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Using Digital Counting Scales

A digital counting scale is an electronic device that weighs money and then provides a digital readout of the amount. It can weigh coins as well as paper money. Many restaurants and banks use these as a fast way to accurately count money. Anyone interested in purchasing a digital counting scale can find one at a home office store or online. The least expensive models are usually priced around $200.


1. Collect the money that needs to be weighed. If there is a large amount of loose coins, roll them in the appropriate coin wrap. Sort the paper money into separate piles based on amount.

2. Press the "on" button to turn on the digital counting scale. Select the amount you are weighing. For example, if you want to weigh dimes, you need to be sure that the scale is set to weigh dimes. Most scales will be set to automatically start at pennies. If you want to weigh dimes, press the "next" button until dimes are displayed on the digital readout.

3. Place the money on the scale and move your hand away. If the scale automatically starts with pennies and then works its way up, place the pennies on the scale first. If there are no pennies to be weighed, press the "next" button to skip it. The digital counting scale will then ask for nickels to be weighed.

4. Write down each amount. Unless your scale is automatically working its way up, it may not keep a running total of all the amounts.

5. Repeat the process until all of the money has been weighed.

6. Add up the totals. If your scale was keeping track of all the amounts, the final total should be displayed on the digital readout.