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Started by Craig Newmark in 1999, Craigslist has become an indispensable online classified ads site. With something for everyone, whether looking for a job, a community event or an apartment to rent, Craigslist remains an practical tool to connect to others both locally and nationally. Although Craigslist started as a site to learn more about local neighborhoods and communities, it has become an indispensable tool for both freelance writers and employers with its usability and minimalist design that makes it attractive to seekers where ever they may be. Follow these steps so you may gain a handful of projects in no time!
Find Freelance Writing and Editing Jobs on Craigslist
1. Start with your community, then expand to other cities. It's always good to start somewhere familiar. Go to and look for your city or locales near you. Usually, major metropolitan cities are easier to find and have more listings, so they are good places to check out. When you are brought to the page of your city, locate the "jobs" list, and click on the "writing / editing" link that's usually found at the bottom of the list. There, you will find a collection of listings for freelance writers/editors or those looking for part-time writing jobs, with the most recent first.
2. Use the search button. On the main page of your city, instead of looking for the "jobs" list, you can also utilize the search bottom found on the left sidebar. Use terms like "freelance," "telecommute," "part-time" or "writing," and on the drop down menu click on jobs, then hit enter.
3. Contact employers. Once you've seen a listing that interests you, contact the employer and send them a cover letter and a resume. Most employers also ask for a writing sample, so send your clips as well.
4. Market yourself. Why stop at searching for jobs? Have potential employers search for you by posting a listing on the classifieds site under "services." Just click on the link "post to classifieds" on the left sidebar.
5. Build relationships with clients. Establishing relationships with clients even after the project is completed can gain you more writing jobs in the future if the company wishes to hire another freelance writer. Also, by maintaining your network, you can also gain new clients in the form of referrals.