A DBA (Doing Business As) is commonly referred to as a Trade Name. Registering a DBA in Louisiana is a fairly simple process that is completed by mail. If you plan on conducting business under a specific name, it's best to register that name with the proper department. There is one application form for all types of businesses, but where you submit the application varies depending on what type of business you have.
1. Download and print the Louisiana Application for a Trade Name form (see the Resources link). This is the form you'll use to register your DBA. Fill the form out carefully. Be sure to include the correct DBA name as well as your business location and type.
2. Bring the form to a notary to have it notarized. Locate a notary by visiting the Locate a Notary resource link.
3. Mail the completed form along with a check or money order for $50 to the Louisiana Secretary of State if you are registering a DBA for a corporation, nonprofit, LLC, LLP or limited partnership. The address is:
Commercial Division
PO Box 94125
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9125
4. Mail the completed form along with a check or money order for $50 to the Clerk of Court within your Parish. There are 64 parishes in Louisiana. See the Clerk of Court resource link to find the mailing address within your parish.