Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cope With A Toxic Boss

A boss with a toxic attitude creates a hostile environment in the workplace and is the curse of those who must contend with such employers on a daily basis. Dealing with such people can be emotionally and physically draining, if you aren't mentally prepared.


1. Concentrate on your job and not on them. No matter if you enjoy what you do or not, by focusing on the task(s) at hand, you are less apt to be affected by those expelling toxic energy and attempting to bring you down, including your boss. If a negative look or comment is sent your way, don't give it any attention. Continue to concentrate on what you were doing or about to do.

2. Keep your relationship strictly professional. Sometimes people, and bosses are people too, will attempt to unburden themselves of their negative energy in an attempt to comfort themselves. It is not your job to absorb this brand of energy. By maintaining a professional relationship that doesn't contain personal issues, the likelihood of you being exposed to toxic energy decreases.

3. Do the best possible job that you can. If you are confident that you are performing your work duties to the best of your abilities, you shouldn't give any time or be affected by what your boss says or does. If you're doing your best and they still aren't satisfied, then perhaps a change is warranted; due to their lack of appreciation or your proficiency level for the job.

4. Combat negative energy with positive energy. Positive energy always prevails over negative. However, it takes strong determination and will on your part to deflect negative energy and remain positive. No one can alter your mood besides you; it is your choice to be affected by someone's low energy. Remain content and peaceful if confronted by a scowling boss. No matter how much they try to involve you, their ill temperament is their problem and not yours.