Full block letters are a format used in writing professional business letters. The main difference between a full block letter and other types of business communication is in the letter's indentation.
Full block business letters are used in resumes and cover letters, as well as other types of business communication. Full block letters are a formal type of business letter.
In a full block business letter, all lines of text are flush with the letter's left margin. In most letters, the first line of a paragraph is indented; to make a full block business letter, no indentation is used.
Full block business letters follow a specific formula. The top of the page has the sender's name and address followed by the phone number and the date of writing. The recipient's name and address is followed either by a notice to the recipient or the letter's greeting.
The body of the letter can contain multiple paragraphs, or a brief single paragraph. Paragraphs in full block business letters should begin with the letter's main topic, and should not be indented.
Although the format of full block letters can be unfamiliar at first, it can help an individual appear professional in her communications.