Thursday, September 25, 2014

Write Compelling Advertisements Legitimate Estate

Write Compelling Ads for Real Estate

Writing a compelling real estate ad can help you generate interest in the property, home, or apartment you wish to sell. Using positive, attention-grabbing, accurate language will help you attract potential buyers. Since real estate ads must be both descriptive and informative, there are some important strategies to keep in mind.


1. Write an attention-grabbing, positive headline. Mention a specific key feature of the home, such as its large front porch or secluded location.

2. Emphasize two or three strong benefits in the opening sentences. Don't include every detail; instead, highlight the best features.

3. Describe the dwelling or property, not your buyer. For example, rather than claiming the house is located in a "great family neighborhood," mention the tree-lined streets or nearby shopping. Profiling buyers may exclude potential customers.

4. Include the basic facts, such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, and the asking price.

5. Include your contact information, including your name, phone number, and email address.