Thursday, September 18, 2014

Call China From Canada

China can be called from any modern phone.

The process to call China from Canada isn't as straightforward as local phone call, or even a long distance call to a different region in the same country, but that doesn't mean it's difficult to do. It takes a special set of codes to properly get a phone connection between the two countries. Once you know the codes and understand what they mean, the process becomes much easier.


1. Write down the Chinese phone number so you have it ready and in front of you. Double-check to make sure you have the entire number, including the area code.

2. Pick up the phone and dial "011." This number will allow you to call out of the country.

3. Dial "86" on the number pad. This number is the country code for China.

4. Dial the area code for the Chinese phone number. Depending on the region of China, the area code should be between two and four numbers.

5. Dial the remaining six to eight digits for the phone number. Press the "Send" button if calling from a mobile phone. The call should go through automatically if you're calling from a landline phone.