Monday, September 22, 2014

Issues With Live Scan Fingerprinting

Live Scan equipment creates digitized images of fingerprints.

Live Scan equipment and services provide a relatively secure method of discerning an individual's criminal background with the assistance of law enforcement. This assumes that the Live Scan equipment and processes are functioning correctly. Errors can cause identity mistakes, data glitches and unreliable scans. These conditions may necessitate that the imaging and review process be repeated.

Optical Scanning Problems

Fingerprints of some individuals don't show up well on Live Scan scanners for a number of reasons. The imaged fingertips may be too oily or dry, or the hand may be dirty or simply shaped in such a way at the tips that air gaps are created, causing degradation of the image quality. The result is an inability to image the minute ridges and details of a subject's fingerprint. This can open the door to computerized mismatches or inadvertently clearing a suspect that should be a match and identified.

Data Storage

Keeping Live Scan images on file can eat up technology storage space quickly. Since operating agencies will need to maintain files on who has been scanned to respond to legal challenges, storage and backup resource commitments must be in place for those with large, scanned populations. Large employers, schools, care organizations and government agencies not only need to budget for equipment but also for failsafe storage to prevent situations in which data is lost or corrupted by a system crash.

Equipment Maintenance

Contamination of equipment from use in an unsuitable environment or from normal wear and tear can cause scanning errors. Potential contaminants include dust, hand oil, fingerprints and other particulates. Over time, if this buildup is not cleaned regularly, it can begin to degrade electronic imaging. Customary operator training and periodic cleaning can rectify this problem before it occurs. If the Live Scan equipment is used by multiple operators, a cleaning log must be maintained; otherwise, this task may be easily overlooked.

Operator Error

Human operator error can impede the accuracy of Live Scan equipment in a number of ways. Poor training is a significant contributing factor that can affect how an image is taken and how the resulting data is entered into the system for review. Bad data input can cause mismatched fingerprints and flawed reports. Poor quality imaging by failing to follow proper protocols can also create bad images that are unreadable when scanned. Proper fingerprinting procedure training remains critical to minimize errors. Error-checking software can also help detect operator mistakes.