Reducing your carbon emissions is as important as offsetting them.
Many of our daily activities use fossil fuels. Driving or flying are just two of them. Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. Carbon credits allow individuals and business to offset their carbon emissions by purchasing credits in renewable energy projects like tree planting or wind energy. A number of companies offer carbon credits. It's important to find a company that's reliable, verified and uses your money appropriately. There are online tools that assist in both finding a company and finding out how much you should consider offsetting.
1. Calculate your household's carbon emissions by going to the EPAs website and clicking on the "emissions calculator" tab. When ready to begin, click the "start" button and the calculator will load. The following pages are complete with instructions and a "next" button -- on the bottom right -- that will prompt you through the remaining pages. The site estimates it will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete the form. The calculator will also give you ideas for reducing your carbon imprint. Enter in your information accurately, and note the results.
2. Choose a carbon offset company by going to ecobusinesslinks' website. Scroll about halfway down to a chart that shows a number of different companies. Choose a few to explore further. Review each company, looking for third-party verification and information about their carbon off-setting process. Also look for how much they charge per metric ton, which is the measuring unit for carbon credits. Go with the company that has a price that's affordable for you and has verification.
3. Purchase your carbon credits from the company you've chosen. Save copies of any paperwork they send for your files.